Friday, 8 May 2015

[CS001001] PLC Signals Converter - USD 2.00

[CS001001] PLC Signals Converter - USD 10.00

Having headache to convert between Interger value to 4-20mA? Or from 4-20mA to 3-15psig?

Here is the solution!!!!!

Now, you can convert in between: -

  • Integer (6400 - 32000)
  • Engineering Unit (0 - 100%)
  • mA (4 - 20)
  • VDC (1 - 5)
  • psig (3 - 15)
You may customize the "Unit" and its "Range", by clicking Review -> Unprotect Sheet (NO PASSWORD IS REQUIRED!)

Thursday, 23 April 2015

[PM001001] Engineering Hours Estimation and Actual Consumption Analysis

[PM001001] Engineering Hours Estimation and Actual Consumption Analysis - USD 10.00

Are you facing problem in estimating engineering manhours?

Here come the SOLUTION!

This template is developed to estimate engineering manhours accurately based on activities involved. Next the template will automatically tabulate manhours loading weekly based on the estimated hours and submission date!!!

The best thing is, it can use to control the planned hours during project execution. With S-curve presentation, analysis can be done effectively!!!

Try this out......



Monday, 20 April 2015

[ST001001] LNG Storage Tank Sizing - USD 10.00

Is available NOW!

Hope you like our templates and our service, thank you!